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Notre Dame Prep and Marist Academy 2015 Fall Athletic Tryout Information NDPMA Fall Athletic Parent Meeting is Thursday, August 13st @ 7:00pm for ALL sports and levels Walled Lake Athletic Conference for PARENTS, ATHLETES and COACHES Friday, August 7 at 9:00am. Registration is FREE if […]
New coaches include two Notre Dame High School alums. The athletic department of Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy announced today that Rob Suffredini has been named head coach of Notre Dame Prep's boys soccer team. In addition, Andy Guest, who is Notre Dame’s executive […]
In 2012, the superior general of the Society of Mary, better known as the Marists, asked Fr. Justin Taylor, s.m., of New Zealand, to write a new biography about Marist founder, Jean-Claude Colin, who died in November of 1875 in La Neylière, France. The Marists […]
More than $45,000 was raised for Notre Dame Prep scholarships at the 20th annual Building Bridges Golf Outing held Thursday, July 23, at the Greystone Golf Club in Washington, Mich. Proceeds from the event, along with other donations received throughout the year, go to fund a number of scholarships […]
Amanda Carty, who will be a senior at Notre Dame when school begins August 21, spent the better part of the month of July in Washington, D.C., in a conference sponsored by the National Student Leadership Foundation, which counts more than 366 members of the […]
Emily Hampel will be a senior when students get back to work at Notre Dame in late August. But even though it’s only late July, she’s already worked very hard in what some might call the school of “life” in Haiti. Hampel, who also runs […]