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New video produced by IB shows the transformative and transdisciplinary nature of PYP. Taking on the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program (PYP) is a road of discovery for schools, its teachers and most importantly, its students and their parents. Children in Notre Dame’s lower division, which […]
Acknowledging that summer vacation season this year is waning, there nonetheless can be no dispute that another one will materialize next year. And just in case France might be on the docket for a 2016 vacation, a book by Fr. Craig Larkin, s.m., a Marist […]
In an interview held today after practice, Notre Dame’s head football coach Pat Fox, now in his second year with the Irish, talks about his team and the upcoming 2015 season. Coach Fox on this year’s varsity schedule: “Our schedule this year is extremely competitive […]
Last week, the NDP marching band, led by directors Joe Martin and Teri Rae Martin, kicked off a new Band Camp tradition of helping in the local community. Organized by juniors Marshall Weimer and Madeline Allard, the band had five days to collect canned foods needed […]
Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy, which remains the only Catholic school in the country with all three of the major levels of International Baccalaureate, announced last month that 92% of those enrolled in the school's IB Diploma Program (DP) successfully earned an IB […]
Notre Dame senior Nathan Mylenek earned his third All-American designation this week when he finished second this morning in the steeplechase (6:21.58) at the 2015 AAU Junior Olympics Games, which are being held through August 8 in and around Norfolk, Virginia. It was only his second steeplechase […]