Mission and Philosophy

Mission Statement

Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy provides its diverse student body a Catholic and internationally recognized college-preparatory experience of lasting value. We affirm our Marist mission to “Work with God to form Christian People, Upright Citizens and Academic Scholars."

Christian People

Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy recognizes that the principles of the Gospel and the teaching of the Church are the educational norms upon which the Catholic school rests. We are to understand and to witness the Christian Good News of humanity’s redemption by the salvific work of Jesus Christ. The religious dimension of a young person’s growth must be addressed in the context of this Catholic Tradition. Thus, Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy assumes the responsibility of aiding in the development of a Christian conscience through an understanding and appreciation of Catholic doctrine, traditions and practices. Catholic education views the student as a person redeemed by Christ and having a supernatural destiny. Therefore, Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy strives to create an atmosphere where the student’s faith can grow and attempts to provide means and opportunities for participation in faith experiences.

“It is God’s children that are entrusted to us, and so it is towards God that we have to return their hearts by our constant efforts to provide them with sound rules for their guidance and examples lived in a manner consonant with them… We shall therefore work in the first place at giving them a sufficient knowledge of their faith, at stirring their wills to the accomplishment of duty through motives of conscience and the power of religion.”

(Jean-Claude Colin’s Instructions to Teachers, #2.)

Upright Citizens

Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy believes it is important for students to understand the great gift and great responsibility we have as citizens of the United States. We believe that we are increasingly part of a global society. It is important to grow in knowledge of and concern for all people and all of God’s creation. Because of these beliefs, opportunities are offered to help the student understand the responsibility of leadership in a democratic society, to exercise the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution, to respect the dignity of all individuals regardless of race, creed, sex, national or ethnic origin. Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy honors the right of parents to educate their children in the schools of their choice.

“Next we shall make it our chief concern to school our students in conduct and gentle, courteous, simple social manners, in good breeding and a thoroughly Christian polite behavior, so that most will not feel out of place later on in the world outside, and an object of derision by reason of boorishness. We shall also train them to modesty of tone, propriety in deportment, and we shall cultivate in all, without exception, purity of speech, clarity in diction, and as much as possible, naturalness in gesture.” (Jean-Claude Colin’s Instructions to Teachers, #3)

Academic Scholars

Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy is staffed by an excellent and committed faculty. The teachers help and challenge students to achieve their academic potential.

“We shall then turn our attention to forming the minds of our students and to advance them in the different fields of learning by every means possible. We shall seize every opportunity calculated to broaden their knowledge, to put them on their mettle for study; we shall spare no pains or labour to achieve this. Let us not forget that for us this is a strict duty of trust that must be carried out.” (Jean-Claude Colin’s Instructions to Teachers, #4)

Diversity Statement

"Notre Dame, guided by the spirit and teachings of the Catholic Church and Society of Mary, actively seeks students, families, faculty, staff, and trustees of diverse backgrounds who are committed to the formation of a community of inclusion that respects the dignity of every individual.

"Notre Dame believes that teaching students to advocate for justice is essential to their development as Christian Persons, Upright Citizens, and Academic Scholars. We believe members of our community should work to eliminate prejudice and be a voice for those pushed to the fringes of society on the local, national, and global level. Therefore, Notre Dame challenges our community members to battle discrimination against any person or group, including, but not limited to discrimination on the basis of age, creed, gender, race, national or ethnic origin, socio-economic status, or religion."