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Notre Dama Prep’s varsity baseball team landed in the second spot in the Michigan High School Baseball Coaches Association (MHSBCA) list of top academic teams in Division 2 for the 2015 season. See complete list here. With a team grade point average of 3.550, the Fighting […]
Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy announced today that it has raised a record $550,000 in gifts for its 2015 Notre Dame Fund campaign, which began July 1, 2014, and wrapped up last week on June 30. The fund total, which is comprised […]
John W. Henke, Jr., Ph.D., a 1958 graduate of Notre Dame, says Ford, General Motors, FCA US and Nissan collectively would have earned $2 billion more in operating profit last year had their supplier relations improved as much as Toyota’s and Honda’s did during the […]
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Global Research department collaborates with universities and independent research organizations worldwide to produce rigorous studies examining the impact and outcomes of the IB program, which has been part of Notre Dame's curriculum for eight years. In addition, many researchers—independent of the IB—produce […]
Notre Dame alum and journalist covers state and politics for Michigan’s largest digital media company. (Updated Jan. 7, 2017) You would think a very shy teenager might not pursue a career that requires talking to a lot of people—particularly political people—on a daily basis. But […]
A recent poll conducted by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and National Public Radio points to general agreement among parents that participation in sports as a child builds life skills. Notre Dame’s athletic program, which earned Michigan’s […]