Sophomore Thomas Riss says the best (and funniest) teacher he’s ever had teaches math at Notre Dame.
Riss’s plate—and it was a big plate—was overflowing with classes such as honors integrated math, honors American literature, the Paschal Mystery, science of technology, honors chemistry, AP U.S. history and introduction to ceramics. Added to those classes was a big helping of extracurriculars, including football, robotics, Spanish NHS and the Christians in Action club. Plus he serves in the elite group of Notre Dame “marketeers” called the student ambassadors. Wow!
So let’s call on Riss himself to help us better understand how he handles it all and why Notre Dame is such a great fit for him. . .
I came to Notre Dame because. . .
. . .I wanted to be challenged academically. I also wanted to play sports and be involved.
I didn’t realize it at first, but I came to learn that Notre Dame. . .
. . .is a great school for all types of students who like to be involved in a variety of things. You can easily be friends with people who are involved in different activities.
Notre Dame is different from other schools because. . .
. . .there seems to be a bond between students in and out of class. Also, the teachers really care and have your best interests in mind.
Three words to describe my academic experience at Notre Dame so far are. . .
. . .challenging, exciting and enjoyable.
The best/most interesting class I’ve taken at Notre Dame is. . .
. . .honors integrated math with Mr. [Mark] McCaskey during my freshman year. He took a challenging course and made it really easy to understand and be successful in. He also was, by far, the funniest teacher I’ve ever had.
Riss is with his sister, Mary, a Notre Dame junior, at a recent Killer Bees robotics event.
The most fun experience I’ve had so far at Notre Dame is. . .
. . .being involved in football and lacrosse. Playing sports gives me a daily break from school, allows me to be active, and gives me a chance to hang out with friends. I enjoy the team mentality, as well as having practice or a game nearly every day.
I am able to balance schoolwork, sports, clubs and activities at Notre Dame because. . .
. . .I always do schoolwork first and plan ahead to make sure I am not slacking in any area.
The teachers at Notre Dame are. . .
. . .helpful.
The students at Notre Dame are. . .
. . .kind.
The opportunities at Notre Dame are. . .
. . .endless.
Notre Dame has been a great fit for me because. . .
. . .I like to be pushed academically while having opportunities to be involved in sports. It also is big enough to feel big, but small enough to have good teacher-student relationships.
Notre Dame has helped me become a Christian person through. . .
. . .having Mass, allowing me to join Christian-based clubs, going on retreats, doing service, and saying prayers daily.
Notre Dame has helped me become an upright citizen through. . .
. . .the atmosphere that is created by teachers and students. Good behavior is encouraged, and the older students serve as role models, showing younger what to do and what not to do.
Notre Dame has helped me become an academic scholar through. . .
. . .the teachers’ involvement in class and the many different course options that are offered. I really feel that my time at NDP will help me get a better grasp on what I want to study in college.
I know when I graduate from Notre Dame I will leave feeling. . .
. . .sad that I had to leave, but also excited. I think that I will be more than ready and prepared for college.
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About Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy
Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy is a private, Catholic, independent, coeducational day school located in Oakland County. The school's upper division enrolls students in grades nine through twelve and has been named one of the nation's best 50 Catholic high schools (Acton Institute) four times since 2005. Notre Dame's middle and lower divisions enroll students in jr. kindergarten through grade eight. All three divisions are International Baccalaureate "World Schools." The Marist Fathers and Brothers sponsor NDPMA's Catholic identity and manages its educational program. Notre Dame is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States and the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement. For more on Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy, visit the school's home page at