Academic Program – Middle School

The best illustration of the challenges we provide students is our curriculum, designed and implemented by our teachers utilizing the framework of the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme. Below is a list of units of study and a sampling of subjects within each academic area for the 2019-20 school year at Notre Dame Middle School.

Science (6) – Science and technology, weather and atmosphere, water cycle, ecosystems, and the rock cycle
Science (7) – Animal and plant cells, heredity and genetics, and energy transfer
Science (8) – Chemistry, energy, motion and forces, and waves

Pre-Algebra (6)
Honors Algebra (6)
Algebra-7 (7)
Honors Algebra-7 (7)
Algebra-8 (8)
Honors Geometry (8)

Writing & Grammar (6) – Traits of Writing, narrative and informational writing, and keyboarding
Reading Comprehension (6) – Narrative and informational reading, word study, and comprehension
Writing & Grammar (7) – Narrative writing, research and oral speaking skills, keyboarding, and grammar
Reading & Comprehension (7) – Literary genre exploration, reading skills, and word study
Language & Literature (8) – Contemporary and classic literature, and writing across the curriculum

LANGUAGE ACQUISITION (Second Language Offerings)
Spanish and Mandarin Chinese (6)*
Spanish (7)
Honors Spanish (7)
Mandarin Chinese (7)
Spanish (8)
Honors Spanish (8)
Mandarin Chinese (8)

* All Grade 6 students must take one semester of Spanish and one semester of Mandarin Chinese.

Individuals & Society (6) – Geography, the study of climate, environments, resources, and people of the world
Individuals & Society (7) – Geography, culture, and global perspective
Individuals & Society (8) – U.S. history, forming a new nation and republic, the Civil War, and the relationship between U.S. history and current events

Following Christ (6) – God’s divine and natural laws, and formation of conscience
Life of Grace (7) – Revelation, grace, and the moral life
History of the Catholic Church (8) – Evolution of the Church, and what it means to be Catholic

Physical Education & Health (6)
Physical Education & Health (7)
Phsyical Education & Health (8) – elective*

Band or Chorus (6)
Band, Chorus, or Visual Arts (7)
Band, Chorus, or Visual Arts; Makerspace, Theatre, or Yoga* (8)

*Every 8th grade student must take one year of Band, Chorus, or Visual Art, as well as a semester of Makerspace, Physical Education, Theater, or Yoga.