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Emily Macks, a junior in Notre Dame’s upper division, earned a level 1 rating at last weekend’s Michigan School Vocal Music Association State and Solo Ensemble Festival, which was held in Woodhaven. Participants at the states sing two songs, one of which must be in […]
Stretching all the way back to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s first term, the first 100 days of each U.S. president's first term has been under the media microscope in an effort to grade each new administration’s progress. The current president’s first 100 days, which ended today, have […]
One of only 300 in the U.S. to receive scholarship from National Honor Society. Jacqueline Kenny, a senior and member of the National Honor Society (NHS) at Notre Dame Preparatory School, has been named one of 300 national semifinalists in the National Honor Society Scholarship […]
At this year’s VEX IQ World Championships held in Louisville, Kentucky, last weekend, Notre Dame’s Bumblebees teams put in one of their finest performances to date, with one of the lower-division teams getting second place in their division, the best finish of all the school’s […]
On the heels of Monday’s celebration and presentation of extended essays for International Baccalaureate Diploma Program senior candidates and the juniors who will follow them next school year, Notre Dame sponsored a trip Wednesday to Oakland University for the juniors in the IB program. In […]
Like Notre Dame’s upper division, students from the school’s middle division scored big in the most recent 2017 National Spanish Examinations, bringing home 42 awards, including eight gold medals. “I am so proud of the students this year,” said middle-division Spanish teacher Marisol Aguilar. “They […]