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When 176 Notre Dame seniors walk across the stage this Sunday to receive their diplomas, they will leave behind at least four years on a campus that no doubt has meant so much to them. So we actually wanted to know: What DID Notre Dame […]
Notre Dame's Luke Juriga makes second lieutenant faster than anybody else in squadron history. Luke Juriga, a junior in Notre Dame’s upper division, has earned the rank of second lieutenant in the U.S. Civil Air Patrol. He is one of the youngest holders of this rank and […]
Inspired by Pope Francis' teachings in his second encyclical, “Laudato Si,” Marist groups in Nouméa (New Caledonia) have undertaken a tree-planting campaign on Mount Ouen Toro. Ouen Toro is a registered and protected area, now undergoing a development plan to preserve and restore the site’s […]
Upcoming math changes in the IB program to provide more choice and flexibility. In an article posted today and republished below with the permission of International Baccalaureate, an IB curriculum manager for mathematics discusses upcoming enhancements to the Diploma Program's math curriculum. According to Kim Anderson, IB Diploma Program […]
On Sunday, after a new group of seniors graduates from Notre Dame, they will head off in the fall to colleges and universities located in Michigan and throughout the United States. Then, after graduating from college, many will return to Michigan to fulfill career dreams and […]
Luke Adams is recognized for his outstanding accomplishments as a student-athlete. The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) announced this week that Notre Dame senior Luke Adams has been named a 2017 All-American Athlete of the Year Award recipient. This award recognizes the athletic accomplishments […]