Wenneshiemer has for years raced with much success on the Mini Sprint circuit, primarily on a track in Jackson, Mich. His car, which features a Fighting Irish motif and paint job, has a 636CC Suzuki super bike motorcycle engine that is methanol fuel injected and can hit speeds of up to 140 MPH on a 3/8 mile dirt course.

About Mini Sprint racing
A mini sprint is an American type of open-wheel racing vehicle. Mini sprint cars resemble the shape of a full-size sprint car and the size of a midget car. Although often used liberally to describe several different types of motorcycle-powered open-wheel racing cars, the term mini sprint actually applies to cars that have an upright-style chassis (the driver sits upright in the seat as in a sprint or midget), a center-mounted 4-cylinder motorcycle engine and dimensions and appearance that are similar to today’s midget. Mini sprints are chain driven and use 13-inch (33 cm) wheels and tires.
Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy is a private, Catholic, independent, coeducational day school located in Oakland County. The school's upper division enrolls students in grades nine through twelve and has been named one of the nation's best 50 Catholic high schools (Acton Institute) four times since 2005. Notre Dame's middle and lower divisions enroll students in jr. kindergarten through grade eight. All three divisions are International Baccalaureate "World Schools." NDPMA is conducted by the Marist Fathers and Brothers and is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States and the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement. For more on Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy, visit the school's home page at www.ndpma.org.