Notre Dame’s IB-DP Coordinator Kim Anderson, at right, introduces the Diploma Program candidates at a special celebration on April 18.
According to IB-DP coordinator Kim Anderson, it was a special way to recognize the hard work, dedication and talent of the seniors who are heading into the IB examination period next month and also the NDP juniors in the program who will follow in their footsteps (list below).
Notre Dame’s IB Diploma Program candidates and Extended Essay topics
William Ballew: The National Football League as a Brand Catalyst
Olivia Brady: Horror Films: Reflections of American Culture
Ian Cairns: The Causes and Components of the NYSE Crash of 1987
Amanda Carty: Portrayal of Indian Culture in American Films
Christina Craig: To what extent does male perception of self influence his paradigm of the American Dream in The Great Gatsby?
James Damman: To what extent have major labels affected the lyrics of Hip Hop?
Julia Ebben: The Execution and Influence of the 1893 Columbian Exposition
Mckenna Galloway: Feminism affecting Marriage, Education, and Work in the United States
Ian Genord: Writing through Numbers
Ella Holbert: The Limits of Government Funding for Pediatric Cancer Treatments in the United States
Sabrina Isham: Comparing the 2012 Anna Karenina movie to the Original Novel by Leo Tolstoy
Joseph Kalas: Breaking Bad and the Anti-Hero
Rosella LoChirco: Integration through Magnet Schools in America
Jacqueline Lopez: The Inexplicable Mind
Ryan MacIntyre: Success of the North African Campaign: Operation Torch and the Tunisia Campaign
Lily McLean: The Influence of Paganism on Early Christianity
Marisa Meyer: To what extent does Southern Tradition impact the development of Jean Louise "Scout" Finch in Go Set a Watchman?
Peter Miklas: The Media of Humanitarianism
Caterina Nassi: To what extent are ISIS's recruitment tactics effective with young Westerners (15-20 years)?
Catherine Nouhan: How do collectivistic and individualistic cultures differ in their definition of Major Depressive Disorder?
Andrew Olejniczak: Comparison of Nazism and Fascism
Julia Pagnucco: The Effects of Essential Oils in Citrobacter Freundii Cereus
Sydney Pauls: Women in the Middle East–A Visual Portrayal
Alexis Potestivo: Gluten Free Diets for Athletes
Joshua Stanczak: To what extent does the World of Warcraft economy model the US money supply?
Vikram Surendran: Rape and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Matt Wall: Fishing Lures and Predatory Reactions of Northern Pike
Julia Warsecke: Holly Golightly in Breakfast at Tiffany's
Nicholas Wasik: The Effect of Nitric Oxide Boosting Supplements on Blood Pressure during Weight Training
Gillian Wood: Severe Food Allergies and Discrimination
Caitlyn Zawideh: Lost in Interpretation
NDPMA art chair Sandra LewAllen, seated at right, is with IB-DP candidates who are part of her IB-Art program. Seated, from left, Sydney Pauls, Ella Holbert, Sabrina Kloss, LewAllen. Back row, from left, Luke Mullis, Paul Romzek and Michael Ignagni.
Also at the April 18 celebration, all seniors in attendance were given special sashes that identify them as IB Diploma Program candidates when they graduate from Notre Dame.
Notre Dame Preparatory School Class of 2017 International Baccalaureate
Anticipated Diploma Program Candidates (current juniors)
Rodolfo Aguilar, Gretchen Altenberger, Jacob Bankstahl, Catherine Berich, Andrew Blocki, Kaitlin Boncore, Sarah Bonema, Diego Collazo, Montserrat Dorantes, Nicholas Durham, Ryan Flaherty, Ryan Genord, Gabriella Gonzales, Eileen Haig, Nicholas Hariskos, Genevieve Hendler, Margaret Henige, Alyssa Huth, Gabrielle Jacoby, Julia Jenaway, Kate Joslin, Kendal Kazyak, Mina Kambakhsh, Jacqueline Kenny, Dane Kovaleski, Collin Lambrecht, Katharine Lawrence, Alexis Lawroski, Tessa Magsoudi, Tala Mahjoub, Mariel Manzor, Olivia Mears, Katherine Nachazel, Dana Pangori, Rebecca Petrella, Mary Riss, Thomas Robbins, Justin Roose, Morgan Rubino, Anna Sartori, Julia Walter, Glenn Watza, Marshall Weimer, Ethan Wiegert and Madalyn Winarski.
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About Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy
Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy is a private, Catholic, independent, coeducational day school located in Oakland County. The school's upper division enrolls students in grades nine through twelve and has been named one of the nation's best 50 Catholic high schools (Acton Institute) four times since 2005. Notre Dame's middle and lower divisions enroll students in jr. kindergarten through grade eight. All three divisions are International Baccalaureate "World Schools." The Marist Fathers and Brothers sponsor NDPMA's Catholic identity and manages its educational program. Notre Dame is accredited by the National Association of Independent Schools, the Independent Schools Association of the Central States and the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement. For more on Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy, visit the school's home page at