Mark Zuccaro, a 1984 Notre Dame High School alum, picks up his Super Raffle check for $2,500. He is pictured with fellow NDHS grads Andy Guest ND’84 and Fr. Joe Hindelang, s.m. ND’68. Congratulations to Lisa Pallach, a current Notre Dame parent, who picked up her Super Raffle check for $5,000. She is pictured with Br. Louis Plourde, s.m. Shelly Hauck, a current Notre Dame parent, picked up her Super Raffle check for $1,000. She is pictured with Fr. Joe Hindelang, s.m. Matthew Rizzo, a current Notre Dame parent, picked up his Super Raffle check for $1,000. He is pictured with Fr. Ron Nikodem, s.m. Michael Glenn, a 2006 Notre Dame Prep alum, picks up his Super Raffle check for $10,000. He is pictured with Br. Louis Plourde, s.m. With the help of Fr. Ron Nikodem, s.m., Notre Dame current parent Bryan Hufstedler today picked up a big check for $1,000 as a result of his Super Raffle winning ticket number 14225. Congratulations!
More than 500 Notre Dame families, alumni, faculty, staff and friends attended the celebration, aptly themed for the school’s 25th anniversary. Attendees enjoyed cocktails, dinner, music and dancing.
In addition, the 2019 Volunteers of the Year were also recognized and include Toby Roth, Donna Pieper, John Mervenne and Shannon Heaman.
Congratulations to the Super Raffle winners:
$50,000: Ticket No. 39752
$10,000: Ticket No. 58774
$5,000: Ticket No. 24930
$2,500: Ticket No. 153621
$1,000: Ticket No. 12894
$1,000: Ticket No. 14225
$1,000: Ticket No. 27455
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