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More photos from International Day are available here. Students and faculty members in Notre Dame’s lower division today celebrated International Day 2016, a day-long multicultural festival of food, music, dancing, and guided instruction on the history and geography of many different countries. “Notre Dame provides […]
Two students in Notre Dame’s upper division are wrapping up the current phase of a special drive to ensure that children at a Metro Detroit-area hospital have access to books while undergoing treatment. Sophomores Elizabeth Krencicki and Kayla Donaldson devised “Books for the Brave,” which […]
A new video library made available by International Baccalaureate is designed to help school communities discover and share the IB experience. This series introduces viewers to a global network of engaged, passionate teachers and learners, working toward a common goal: education for a better world. The […]
Notre Dame senior Julia Pagnucco was among more than 200 young men and women from the state of Michigan who were honored today, May 14, by WXYZ-TV for academic achievements and community service throughout their high school careers. For the past 37 years, Channel 7 has […]
Eoghan McGreevy graduated from Wayne State University’s School of Medicine on May 16 in a ceremony held at Detroit’s Fox Theatre. Around the same time, he had just returned from a honeymoon that had been delayed since a fall wedding so he can finish up a […]
Alum, physician and current parent of three students at Notre Dame says school ‘goes above and beyond.’ When current parent and alum Fabian Fregoli and his wife, Loreta, were considering sending their three children to Notre Dame, they did the usual research themselves, a majority […]