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Position with Super Bowl champions is keeping 2005 Notre Dame alum busy in Colorado. (Updated 07-29-16) When 2005 Notre Dame alum Matt Boyer matriculated to the University of Michigan, he fully intended to eventually pursue a career in law. So he double-majored in political science […]
Luke Mullis ’16 (NDP), who last year represented the United States at the 2015 Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) Junior Track Cycling World Championships in Kazakhstan, this year represented the country at the same event in Aigle, Switzerland, on July 20-24 at the headquarters of the […]
The Center on International Education Benchmarking (CIEB), based in Washington, DC, recently published an interview with an International Baccalaureate art teacher currently working in China. In the article, republished below, Ligel Lambert discusses the importance of art in the IB curriculum and how teaching it […]
The recipe for a great International Baccalaureate World School includes ingredients readily available at Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy. What's the difference between a good school and a great one? Noted Finnish educator and author Pasi Sahlberg names his essential ingredients (below) in […]
School also earns no. 7 ranking for all private high schools in the state. (Updated July 12, 2016) Notre Dame Preparatory School was named the top Catholic school in the State of Michigan for 2016, according to Niche, a national organization that annually ranks colleges and […]
First phase of renovation of Notre Dame’s media center nears completion, features plug-in “media bar.” Workers from Rochester, Mich.-based Frank Rewold and Son Inc. are currently putting the finishing touches on phase one of a three-phase plan to renovate Notre Dame’s media center. According to […]