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Notre Dame VEX IQ Robotics team gets number-1 world ranking. After a spirited VEX IQ robotics competition held this past weekend in Rochester Hills, a couple of Notre Dame VEX IQ teams hit some pretty exciting milestones. Bumble Bees Team 3333B, also called “The Engineers […]
Notre Dame students participate in activities on Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service. On Saturday, a number of students from Notre Dame’s upper division participated in a special day dedicated to service in memory of Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy. Sponsored by the Archdiocese of […]
Congratulations to Notre Dame senior Marshall Weimer for being selected to perform at the Michigan School Band and Orchestra Association (MSBOA) All-District Honors Band held last Saturday, Jan. 7, at Waterford Kettering High School. Only 153 students were selected in Oakland County for this honor. The […]
School’s Model United Nations club opens 2017 activity with two big conferences to be held at Oakland and Michigan State. On this day in 1946, the first General Assembly of the United Nations, comprising 51 nations, convened at Westminster Central Hall in London, England. A […]
The Notre Dame Fund, which officially kicked off its new campaign on Nov. 1, 2016, with the theme, "Once, (for Every Student, Every Day)," has met a major milestone this week as it went over $250,000 in donations. Goal/Gifts to date: $15,000 – 1/1 $10,000 – […]
A bevy of staff members, teachers, parents, alumni and friends is working to take Notre Dame to its ‘highest destiny.’ The past couple of years have seen a real uptick in overall philanthropy in this country. For example, total donations from individuals, foundations and corporations […]