Advancement Policy on Designated Contributions to Athletics
The Advancement Office of Notre Dame Preparatory School and Marist Academy welcomes and encourages individual donations of cash, services or gifts-in-kind that provide immediate or long-term benefit to either a specific Athletic Team or the Athletic Department in whole, provided such gifts meet the following criteria:
1. Consistent in nature and intent with the Mission of the School;
With God we form…
i. Christian People
ii. Upright Citizens
iii. Academic Scholars
2. Do not contradict MHSAA, CHSL, or CYO rules; as determined by the Athletic Director.
3. Fill a pre-determined and/or agreed upon need by the Athletic Director.
4. Made directly through the Advancement Office.
5. Approved in advance by the Athletic Director.
6. Do not create unbudgeted expenses for the school, either in the short term or the long term, unless pre-approved by the President.
The process for making a designated contribution to the Athletic Department is as follows:
1. The donor should express their interest to make a donation to the Athletic Director, the Advancement Director or the Assistant Athletic Director. Please do not approach a coach directly with a gift or intent to gift.
2. Details, parameters and value of the gift will be discussed among the donor, the Advancement Director and the Athletic Director.
3. Once a gift is approved, the gift will be processed through the Advancement Office, according to the following procedures:
a. Gifts of cash will be treated as a “designated contribution” and reported as such according to established school accounting guidelines.
b. Gifts of service or in-kind can be made directly to Athletics once the value has been determined and recorded according to established school accounting guidelines.
Some donors may wish to make a “group” contribution to Athletics. The school generally does not support this type of donation as it often places undo pressure on parents and could inhibit their ability to support other important school fundraising efforts.
Any “group” contributions to Athletics must be approved in advance by the Athletic Director, Advancement Director, and the President of the School.