Boys Track and Field Clinches First CHSL Sectional Title

By defeating Macomb Lutheran High North 85-43, the Boys Track and Field team completed a perfect 5-0 season in the CHSL AA Division and secured a first-ever CHSL sectional championship for the Irish.  The Irish placed first in all “flat track” and throwing events, including two, 1-2-3 finishes. Pacing the Irish was junior Nathan Mylenek with first place finishes in the 800m (2:00.54), 1600m (4:34.02), and 3200m (10:06.34) runs.  Mylenek led Notre Dame’s clean sweep in the 800m and 1600m runs.  Senior Ryan Obear finished second (2:04.57) and junior Aidan Schurig (2:07.7) was third in the 800m run and sophomore Brendan Fraser (4:49.57) was second and senior Joshua Fullerton (4:52.21) was third in the 1600m run. In other events, junior Matt Durkin was first in the 100m dash (11.64) and 200m dash (24.24), senior Jermaine Johnson (54.58) won the 400m dash, and senior Eric Leduc topped all throwers in the shot put (39’1”) and discus (132’10”).  Notre Dame cleaned up in relays, winning all four races.  The winning 4x100m relay team of senior Jomiah Pefok, senior Louis Pierite, Durkin, and junior Chris Wardlow finished in 47.14, the 4x200m relay team of junior Peter McNelis, junior Jeffrey Mansour, junior Brendan O’Sullivan, and junior Aidan Grejda was first in 1:41.5, the 4x400m team of Obear, senior Killian Kosik, Schurig, and senior Jermaine Johnson won in 3:45.03, and the 4x800m team of Fullerton, Schurig, Obear, and Kosik won in 8:37.19. On the season, Irish runners rank among the state’s leaders in Division 2.  Nathan Mylenek currently ranks fourth in the 1600m run and seventh in the 800m run, and the 4x800m relay team of Mylenek, Fullerton, Schurig, and Obear has the second fastest time in the state.  Additionally, junior Patrick Anger has already broken his own school record this spring with a jump of 19’8”.

ND Athletics