Notre Dame Takes Final Event to Best Athens

On Tuesday, the Notre Dame Girls Varsity Swim team headed to Troy Athens for one of the most exciting meets of the season.

The Red Hawks had 45 swimmers and three divers to challenge the 15 for the Irish. However, Notre Dame dominated the relays, taking first by a wide margin in the first two. The Irish watched their lead slip away after diving as the Red Hawks took first, second and third, picking up 13 points in the process.

Each point was critical. Sophomore Kate Fox stole points coming from behind in the last three yards to touch out Red Hawk swimmer. Senior Captain Allison Healy had a stellar night with four great swims.

The meet came down to the final relay; winner-take-all. Having 45 swimmers allowed for some to rest throughout the meet and the Red Hawks came out strong. Through the first three swimmers Athens held a half body length lead on the Irish. Then came Alina Stanczak. Stanczak went into the first turn and took the lead, never to give it up as the Irish took the meet 94-89.

Coach Mark McGreevy said following the meet “ This meet could be the turning point of the season. The girls are gaining confidence and really beginning to believe how good they are. The swam every inch of every race and it paid off in a victory tonight! I can’t ask for anything more”. 

ND Athletics